Authentic Spanish videos for language learning

A tale of two speakers: listening and comparing stories

AttributionSpinTX team


2 SpinTX videos, a chart



  1. Select two videos in which speakers tell a similar story which include content relevant to your class
  2. Create a chart for students to fill out information about each speakers. Consider   what you want students to focus on (for example: vocabulary, culture, pragmatics, general comprehension) when designing the chart.

In Class:

  1. Give each student a copy of the chart and allow them a few minutes to look over the content
  2. Ask the students what questions you might ask the speakers to elicit this information and what type of vocabulary you might hear in their answers
  3. Play each video
  4. Have them complete and discuss their answers in groups. For less advanced speakers, you may give each group a copy of the transcript for extra guidance.