>>i: Aha. Wow. Okay. ¿Y te mudarías a otro estado en Estados Unidos? ¿A California…? >>s: California, sí. >>i: ¿A Chicago? >>s: No. Ya para allá, no. >>i: ¿No? >>s: No. I ‘ve… es que no… >>i: ¿A Florida? >>s: A Florida, sí. I think more, like, over there, like, on the East Coast would be too much of a drastic change for me because, I mean, there ‘s no Mexican people over there. I feel so out of place. >>i: ¿O no tantos? >>s: Pues, sí. Yeah. Yeah, there ‘s not a lot over there, and I ‘m… I ‘m kind of, like, you know, what if they ‘re mean to me and stuff? I think it would be… >>i: Yeah. ¿Y has experimentado una vez una discriminación? >>s: No. Pero miradas, sí… miradas, sí. >>i: ¿Como qué? ¿Cómo te sientes? >>s: Like… I don ‘t know. Like, it ‘s weird. Like, you know, like, they just look at you, like… like oh. Like uh. I ‘m just, like what… what am I doing? Yeah. But, I mean, it ‘s a little sad, I guess, I would say. But that ‘s it.