This is a video (2:03 long) resource of a woman from El Salvador talking about her childhood. Ideas for guiding students through understanding this video are given.
Based on Raúl’s interview in the Spanish in Texas Corpus, students will learn how to use regularverbs in the preterit to refer to completed actions in the past. After warming up with the video, you’ll practice the forms (conjugations) and the functions (uses) of the preterit in Spanish. Then, you’ll apply what you learned to expand your communication skills.
The activities are presented in three parts: Antes, Durante, and Después. These discussion activities can be used in both face-to-face or online courses. In our case, these exercises were originally created for online courses and presented as asynchronous interaction activities. When used in a face to face situation, the opportunities for student interaction and discussion increase.
Students will use family-related vocabulary to practice asking/hearing information about family history. Students will employ listening strategies to understand information about family history when patients aren’t answering specific questions. Students will create follow-up questions to ask patients about their family history.
Students listen to a story and retell that story in their own words. The focus may be on the content or a grammar point, particularly the reviewing of verb tense.
In my linguistics and grammar classes, I like to pull up a video at random so that we can look as a class to see if we can find the things we are talking about in class in a random video. For example, we can look for the weakening of final consonants or the omission of subjects.